Next week, the inauguration promises to be different.
The inauguration of the president of the United States is a ceremony to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of the POTUS, (president of the United States. The inauguration takes place for each new presidential term, even if the president is continuing in office for a second term. Since 1937, it has taken place at noon EST on January 20, the first day of the new term, some 72 to 78 days after the presidential election, except for three occasions when January 20 fell on a Sunday. In those years, the presidential oath was administered on that day privately and then again in a public ceremony the next day, on Monday, January 21.
The most recent presidential inauguration was held on January 20, 2017, when Donald Trump assumed office; the next is scheduled to take place on January 20, 2021, when Joe Biden will assume office.
With the coronavirus pandemic raging around the country, President-elect Joe Biden and congressional inauguration planners have closed much of the traditional avenues for access. Instead of receiving the typical 200,000 tickets to share with constituents eager to see Biden take the oath of office on the West Front of the US Capitol, members of Congress will receive tickets for themselves and one guest only.
Left out of this year's festivities is the post-inaugural parade that usually draws throngs to Pennsylvania Avenue to see the newly installed chief executive and an array of high school marching bands, veterans' groups and others celebrate the transfer of power.It will be replaced by a televised event showcasing performances from around the country -- much like the online programming at last summer's Democratic National Convention.