I was asked that if a boat has a capacity plate, Does that mean the U.S. Coast Guard certified that my boat is safe?
Neither the U.S. Coast Guard nor any other federal agency certifies boats.
In fact, there are only a few federal laws governing boat-building, including flotation requirements for powerboats under 20 feet, passenger- and weight-capacity labels, and fuel-system safety. Manufacturers self-certify that their boats meet these legal standards.
The Coast Guard does, however, have a factory-visit program that audits boat-builders periodically for spot checks and tests a few dozen boats for flotation compliance every year.
A comprehensive list of voluntary standards has been written by the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC). Boat-builders who are members of the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and build to ABYC standards will have an NMMA-certification label in plain view on most boats built after 2007.
To be sure a boat is safe, a good survey by a competent independent surveyor is advisable.